Time Control Unit Digital

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Time Control Unit Digital

-Digit size: 15 cm. optimal viewing distance 60 metres with a viewing angle of 160°.

-Display of time, date and temperature, counting / countdown, rate of chlorine, rate of humidity. Fix or alternate (manual input for the rate of chlorine and humidity).  ---Automatic setting of luminosity according to light exposure (sun, cloud or night).  --Setting of alternation duration (2 to 6 seconds).

-Time display: 12h or 24 h mode. Automatic summer/winter time changeover.  ------Temperature display in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) from -99° to +99, 9°.

 -Selection °C or °F in the menu. Display resolution: 0, 1°C. Accuracy: +-0, 5°C       from -10 to +85°C.

-Offset adjustment, possible from – 9, 9° to + 9,9°.

-Display test menu.

-NTP transmission mode: multicast only

Subject to technical alterations

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